What do you like abut your job?
What don't you like?
What open source libraries have you used? What did you use in your last project?
What version of struts?
What version of hibernate?
Have you used Hibernate Injector?
Have you used Spring?
Describe AJAX to a non-technical person.
Explain the technical details of your last project to us.
How good are your technical documentation skills?
Tell us about a time in one of your projects where you had a difference of opinion with another member of your team, such as a technical design conflict. How did you deal with it and what was the outcome?
Personality conflicts with another team member?
What management style best suits you?
How do you keep yourself on track with an aspect of work in a project?
What do you do if you find you cannot complete the task in the given time?
Tell us about a time when you have had to seek advice outside of your team?
Method of dealing with it..
My tip: If you can't think of a scenario, say 'I haven't experienced this, but what I would do is...'
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